Friday, August 13, 2010

Amiamigos Feature!

Welcome Amiamigos to our team! Leave some Love!

He is playful, heart-warming, huggable and soft. He would make people smile and happy. I picked this guy because that's how I always want to be. I would like to make things that make people "awwwww"! Also, I'm always carrying a messenger bag like the one this bear is carrying except mine is full of baby diapers, wipes and stuff! lol

Thank you!



  1. CUTE! And I can relate to the bag full of diapers, wipes, changes of clothes, etc! LOL

  2. Thank you for the feature!
    Amigurumi/crochet stuffed animal was the first thing when I started to crochet. Then I moved onto making hats, but recently I got back into stuffed animals and realizing again how fun they are to make! It's so fun to see the parts come together and they come alive!

    - Amiamigos

  3. Awwwww!! I love the stripe on his sweater:) Nice work!

  4. How adorable! He is the cutest bear!
